Interview Questions

Interview Question and Answers

The objective of these interview questions is to give you an overview of some of the typical interview questions you can expect during your interview and to help you prepare and get into the right frame of mind.


Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview? We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of some of the most commonly asked interview questions, along with advice for answering them all.

Here you need to keep your answer interesting and personable, giving a brief overview of your career history to date, why you chose your chosen career path, cover your academic background and wrap up with perhaps any professional / personal achievements. Your answer should be no longer than 3-4 minutes, and remember you want to set the scene and highlight initially your transferable skills to be elaborated at a later stage when talking through your C.V.

Describe yourself – remember you need to sell your technical skills and also you as a person, team member: Are you hard working, upbeat, enjoy being kept busy and challenged, objective, natural team lead/team player, how effective are you at upward and downward management. Team Fit is very important as is the ability to stay calm under pressure, especially if working in a very busy, demanding environment such as in the funds industry.

This is a great question. It gives you a chance to highlight your best points as they relate to the position being discussed. This is your golden opportunity to finish off the interview in a positive enthusiastic way, drawing from all your previous answers your need to sum up how you feel you are best suited for this position and what you can bring to this team. E.g: client focus, ability to resolve problems, objectivity, resilience, technical skills, market knowledge, number of years’ experience – Be sure to have three of four well-prepared points and examples.

You should always answer yes and briefly explain why. A good explanation is that you have set goals, and you have met some and are on track to achieve the others. Also this is your chance to highlight how you have progressed naturally in your career, for example from TA Administrator to Senior TA Administrator, TA Supervisor, TA Manager etc. and how you got there.

Think of genuine examples, be it project work outside of your roles to date, gaining added responsibility, pressurised time frames to work within, difficult goals etc. Prepare past and present examples to back up your views .

Say something about your interest and how it can help you on the job you are applying for. Like football can teach you team work, or baking can teach you accuracy. If you are applying for a job that requires you to be fit, you may mention physical activities that you do like swimming or any other sport. This is also a good opportunity to let your personality show, remember people buy into people!

Point out how your assets meet what the organisation needs. Do not mention any other candidates to make a comparison. Are you willing to put the interests of the organisation ahead of your own? This is a straight loyalty and dedication question. Do not worry about the deep ethical and philosophical implications. Just say yes.

What makes you stand out from the other applicants? Portray your USP (unique selling points) in a clear concise manner. Put a bit of thought into this as we all have great experience and skills.

Talk about your positive as well as negative qualities. You must justify each of your qualities with an example and say how these qualities have let you grow in your professional life. When you are talking about your negative points say that since humans are not perfect you are also not perfect. Focus on how you have learned from your mistakes and how you tend to overcome situations with your negative qualities.

Think of a genuine one and always finish up with how you have overcome it / and are tackling it– if you genuinely feel you do not have a weakness, perhaps explain key arrears you feel you have greatly improved in throughout your career. Always turn a question like this around and focus on the positive, as opposed to the negative effect. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure. You may say that you thrive under certain types of pressure. Give an example that relates to the type of position applied for.


Preparation is the key to answering this interview question smartly. Doing proper research about the company is the best way to demonstrate that you are serious, well-informed and interested in the job opening. Remember, a candidate is selected not only on the basis of his qualification and work experience but also how well he/she fits in the company’s culture and understands its operations.


Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview?We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of some of the most commonly asked interview questions, along with advice for answering them all.

In such a competitive market, it is extremely important that you have your research done on the company you are meeting. Find out where they have been and where they are going. Relay the fact that you have read their websites, pick out key areas that were of interest to you in the website, your impression of their company through direct of indirect dealings, if you read recent articles they may have appeared in, new products/services they are launching etc..

This may take some thought and certainly, should be based on the research you have done on the organisation. Sincerity is extremely important here and will easily be sensed. Relate it to your long-term career goals and show lots of energy and enthusiasm.

Be aware of the policy on relatives working for the organisation. This can affect your answer even though they asked about friends not relatives. Be careful to mention a friend only if they are well thought of.

Speak about specifics that relate to the position you are applying for. If you do not have specific experience, get as close as you can. For example if it is a fund accounting role, you need to give a good technical overview of the funds & products you have experience with, especially those that are relevant to this role.

This is up to you. Be totally honest. Remember though if you are working in Funds for example, there will be always be an element of overtime, especially at month end so you need to acknowledge this or you will come across as unrealistic.

Be generic and positive. Safe qualities are knowledgeable, a sense of humour, fair, loyal to subordinates, and leads by example All bosses think they have these traits.

You can say something like, “When I have achieved all the goals that were set and I have given more than what is expected of me.”

Try to avoid labels. The situational style is safe, because it says you will manage according to the situation, instead of one size fits all.


Experience is the most valuable teacher in most professions and industries, so the hiring manager wants to know more about your career,”What aspects of you background have been the most helpful” The interviewer asks this for two reasons: he or she wants to see if you understand the demands of the position and he or she wants to know if you can handle the challenges of the job.


Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview?We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of some of the most commonly asked interview questions, along with advice for answering them all.

Discuss your learning curve so far, how you have gained added skills, e.g. dealing with clients, organisation skills, team working skills, time management skills, delegating to a team, co-ordinating and communicating to internal and external customers etc. Ensure that you have prepared one or two points which you can effectively back up with examples and case scenarios

If you show any period of unemployment on your CV, prepare to explain honestly. Layoffs are a very common in this century, so do not say that you were a self-employed consultant if you were laid off and working on temp jobs. Temporary employment or an intense job search of several months are both fine. If you took time off to care for a sick family member, state this very briefly and do not dwell on it.

Be honest but do not spend a lot of time in this area. Stay focused on this job and why you are more interested in their company than any other. Anything else is a distraction.

Very important question, why do you want to leave your current situation for this role, be prepared for this answer and put a lot of thought into this. e.g. the company profile has always interested you, your interest in some of their key services they provide, for example if you are a Fund Accountant and have only worked on mutual funds to date and this organisation specialise in Hedge Funds and this is the area you want to get into, Your understanding in how they are rated in the market, how you feel your skills will benefit the company and how this position will benefit you for the next stage of your career and that you are thinking long term.

Be careful on how you answer this and ensure that you don’t draw attention to a key weakness that you did not mention earlier on, best to follow on from your previous questions answered.

Use this opportunity to discuss times when you have to make difficult decisions, prioritise work and perhaps delegate.

A loaded question. A nasty little game that you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like, That’s a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this position? In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, say that it can depend on the details of the job. Then give a range.

You have to keep this relative to the role you are interviewing for – stay focused and show how you are confident you will have progressed naturally in the Department to X level within 5 years.

It is probably better to focus on the short to medium term goals rather than ten years down the line. I guess an immediate goal is to secure this job!!

Have some very good questions prepared – Make a list of three of four questions you wish to find out more from them as a company E.g.: their company culture, long term career progression within the company, What type of projects will I be able to assist on? Are examples. Anything that shows you are already visualising yourself in the role.

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